
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

The holidays are officially here!
With Thanksgiving just passing, our other favorite wintery holidays are just around the corner!
So with that being said, the Crimson Ladies will fill you in on their favorite holiday looks.

Jen's Pick: 
Loving all things that shimmer and sparkle, 
her favorite look for the holidays are a glittery eye and some sort of sleek hair 'do.
Why say a word? Her fun yet sultry looks do all the talking!

Andrea's Pick: 
She's sassy and fun and her style definitely reflects just that! 
Liquid eye liner and a graduated bob are a perfect match to her personality. 
You don't have a graduated bob? No worries! Faux bob it is!

 Laura's Pick:
Edgy and feminine fits Laura to a perfect "T."
She's loving the girly headbands that are embellished with jewels and bows,
not to mention, pairing them with a deep berry lip.
It may be an unexpected duo, but a beautiful one nonetheless.

Danielle's Pick:
Independent and passionate,
Danielle takes the world by storm and the holidays are not an exception!
Loving anything and everything with an impact,
her top picks are a strong fringe and a bold lip.

Francesca's Pick:
Lace and leather, it doesn't get much better!
Francesca loves the dainty details that have a statement.
Classy and girly is the way she goes for her holiday looks with a braided hairstyle and jewel toned eye liner!

Hope you enjoy your holiday season with this Crimson exclusive :)

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